Your Home Decor Partner

We deliver quality decor for home, business, and public spaces.


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We don't settle for boring.

When it comes to furnishing your private, public, or business space, stay true to yourself. Choose items that express your sense of style. Surround yourself with the things that represent a life well enjoyed.

It started with a simple idea: Deliver quality, well-designed products for home, business and public spaces.

Jill Fox, Founder

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Case Study

Modern house with minimalistic decorations

Luxurious, subtle cream tones fill this cozy family room. The fireplace, with its clean, simplistic trim, make it a beautiful focal point. The doric like pillars and cornice frame it nicely. Add in dark hardwood floors to ground the warm, beige arm chairs that are just waiting to hug their user. A supersoft shag carpet looks warm and inviting for those cold winter nights ahead. Note the central coffee table which gives a feeling of openness and sets the tone for comfort and conversation.

Read more +04 May 2022 By admin in News

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Read more +04 May 2022 By admin in News

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Read more +04 May 2022 By admin in News

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